Our Women's Leadership Toolkit® builds confident, inspiring and successful leaders.
The Women's Leadership Toolkit®

At CEO Vision, we provide the tools, processes and expertise every woman leader needs to uncover and define her unique and powerful leadership brand; build a cohesive, high-performing team that will help get her where she wants to go; and translate her envisioned future into a rock-solid strategy.
The Women’s Leadership Toolkit® will take you where you want to go in your organization.
A Simple Step-by-Step Process that Works
WE HELP YOU DEFINE YOUR UNIQUE LEADERSHIP BRAND Every great leader has a powerful leadership brand. We will help you uncover yours so that all that is powerful and effective about your leadership becomes known to your colleagues, enabling you to generate maximum value. Our proven approach combines powerful tools – like the DiSC Work of Leaders™ assessment – with customized coaching built on years of expertise to help you uncover, embrace and leverage your unique leadership DNA.
WE HELP YOU CRAFT A ROCK-SOLID PLAN TO YOUR FUTURE All great leaders begin with a bold vision for a more successful future. We will help you to uncover and articulate your vision and, together, craft a concrete and actionable roadmap that will take you there. Our solid road-mapping process will expand your strategic thinking, knowledge and skills. The result? A roadmap that allows you and your team to activate your vision for the future and enjoy tangible results.
WE HELP YOU CULTIVATE AND STRENGTHEN YOUR TEAM Behind every great leader is a cohesive, high-performing team that is as determined as they are to cross the finish line. Our Team-Empowerment Toolkit© is a proven approach that combines the renowned Everything DiSC Workplace® assessment with years of team-building expertise. We will help you build a cohesive, high-performing team that will bring your strategy to life and support your leadership success.